ith so many smartphones in a market the size of India, manufacturers struggle to keep up with a uniform after sales service for various models. Customers, therefore, often end up dissatisfied and expressing their displeasure against that particular brand on social media channels. However, some people, like Manu Aggarwal from Haryana for instance, think that there's a better way to publicise their problem with a particular brand, i.e. through banners and billboards. Therefore, when Google failed to offer him an unsatisfactory service, he took to the real world to express his emotions for Google.

Like many unfortunate customers, Manu Aggarwal started facing issues with his first generation Pixel smartphone. He purchased it in early 2017 and started facing issue early last year. As is the norm, he reached out to Google's customer service for repairs.
His Pixel phone went through several rounds of repairs with Google's after-sales customer service but always came back with no solution. In fact, as Aggarwal writes in his tweets, the phone developed even more snags than before.

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